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December in the Studio

Mantra: Focus on Giving (Joy)

It’s been an interesting year, full of evolutions and explorations, challenges and blessings. In the context of global events both awe inspiring (NASA’s DART triumph, nuclear fusion progress) and frightening (the Russian invasion of Ukraine, more major storms), making art feels like a great privilege and also like the most necessary thing. Both can be true. Art keeps me sane, helps me make sense of the world, and keeps me moving forward toward my creative and environmental goals, and hopefully adds some joy to the world. Joy is always a necessary thing!

In this, my first year as a full-time artist, I learned that juggling many hats is still required, perhaps even more so than when I had other work. I also learned how liberating it can be to have one professional focus and how elusive creative time really is while participating in seven events into two months. I look forward to zeroing in on my art focus even more in 2023, as this year’s personal home projects that took a fair share of my focus are completed. (The big repair and replacement of areas of deteriorated siding and improperly constructed porch flooring/basement roof is complete as of this week!) I’m also look forward to the adventures of a new residency in mid-January, and continuing work on the new, larger works on my easel that will bridge the old year with the new. And, for 2023, I promise I will acquire and use a Yearly Planner to help the behind-the-scenes process too!

I wish you all a happy holiday season, and whatever mix of merriment you prefer! I look forward to my annual binge of Christmas movies, home-baked cookies, a toast or a few with a fine cocktail, and long chats by phone or by fireside with friends and family. After living through the COVID restrictions of recent past, these are revealed as true treasures. Many thanks to you for being a part of my 2022 & three cheers for a Happy New Year!

Ferns and spring flowers atop a nurse log in a Pacific NW forest.
Nurse Log, 16"x12", oil on canvas. Understory in the woods near Shelton, WA.

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